Work with me 646.283.1740 | She/Her

let’s connect!


  • Coaching is a collaborative process where the client brings the topic, and the coach guides the conversation.  Consider me as your thought partner and guide to navigating neurodiversity and ADHD.  If your ADHD is affecting your personal development, focus, or follow-through, I can offer support.  Together, we can identify what you need and desire to live your most fulfilling, authentic life.  Then, we’ll define clear and actionable strategies to help you get there.

  • Education:  learning about ADHD and the broader world of neurodiversity.

    Awareness: learning about how your ADHD impacts you.  Every case of ADHD is 100% unique to that individual.

    Self-compassion:  being kind and supportive of yourself as you go through this process of self-discovery and understanding.

  • No, you do not need an ADHD diagnosis to work with an ADHD coach.  My training with ADDCA has certified me as a life coach with an ADHD specialty. 

  • ADHD can be a complex diagnosis, and symptoms often overlap with other medical and mental health differences; it’s important that you work with your medical care team, including your psychiatrist, to obtain an official diagnosis if that is what you’re seeking.  The more you can learn about yourself and your brain, the more information you can provide to your medical team if and when you may be interested in pursuing a potential diagnosis.  We can work together to navigate that process if that’s what you desire.

  • Like many areas in life, the output is reliant on the input.  As the client, you already have the answers inside you.  As the coach, I’m trained to act as a guide using reflective inquiry, active listening, and insights to help you see new possibilities to what you may already know.  Together we work to follow the trail of what you want and how to get there.

  • Life happens; if you need to cancel at the last minute once, if it works for my schedule, I can usually accommodate rescheduling.  After that, if you do not attend your scheduled appointment and have yet to notify me at least 24 hours in advance, you will be required to pay the total cost of the session.

about lindsay Binette

After spending 18+ years in corporate brand marketing at Nike, Levi's, Nest/Google, and Keds, Lindsay Binette founded The Wavy Brain, an ADHD Coaching and Neurodiversity Advisory Practice.  Her personal journey with ADHD evolved into a passion for neurodiversity support, education, and advocacy.  As part of her coaching practice, Lindsay specializes in working with career-focused and entrepreneurial adults, collaborating with them to leverage their neurodivergence as a strength in the workplace.  Lindsay also advises companies of all sizes to educate on neurodiversity and weave it into their core company values for a more inclusive workplace and authentic company culture.

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